Execution Beats Strategy

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Why is execution so critical? Because while strategies set direction, it's execution that brings them to life. You can have the best strategy,sales pitch, or offer but if you can't execute nothing else matters.

Here's 5 key things you can use to improve your execution.

1.)Set Quarterly Goals for Your Leadership Team:

This will help make sure that everyone is aligned and working toward the same goal.

You need your whole team rowing in the right direction.

2.) Implement an Accountability Chart:

Clarity is power. When every team member understands their unique role, there's no room for ambiguity or overlaps. It keeps everyone on track.

3.) Create Scorecards with KPIs:

You need to define and measure success. By giving each member a KPI they own, you're essentially giving them a map showing them if they’re heading in the right direction.

4.) Documented Processes:

To standardize and produce consistent results and reduce errors you need to have a recipe for success. This is why having documented Standard Operating Procedures helps produce predictable results and makes it clear exactly what they need to do

5.) Maintain a Company-Wide Action List:

You need to keep a pulse on progress. Tracking issues and action items ensures everyone knows their responsibilities and prevents tasks from falling through the cracks.

This is the operational playbook that I used to bootstrap and scale my Order Solutions to millions of dollars in revenue in just a couple years. And if you want to learn more about how do apply this in your business I have a free cheat sheet that you can get by clicking the link in my bio or the link below that will go deeper into how to successfully execute. ">

If you want to wow your customers, generate more clients, and not just satisfy them but also transform them into referral machines, you need to master one skill.

It's not what you might think. It's actually execution. I learned this from Frank Slootman, the billionaire CEO of Snowflake.

Franks says that "execution trumps strategy," and this 100% true and saw this first hand in my business.

Why is execution so critical? Because while strategies set direction, it's execution that brings them to life. You can have the best strategy,sales pitch, or offer but if you can't execute nothing else matters.

Here's 5 key things you can use to improve your execution.

1.)Set Quarterly Goals for Your Leadership Team:

This will help make sure that everyone is aligned and working toward the same goal.

You need your whole team rowing in the right direction.

2.) Implement an Accountability Chart:

Clarity is power. When every team member understands their unique role, there's no room for ambiguity or overlaps. It keeps everyone on track.

3.) Create Scorecards with KPIs:

You need to define and measure success. By giving each member a KPI they own, you're essentially giving them a map showing them if they’re heading in the right direction.

4.) Documented Processes:

To standardize and produce consistent results and reduce errors you need to have a recipe for success. This is why having documented Standard Operating Procedures helps produce predictable results and makes it clear exactly what they need to do

5.) Maintain a Company-Wide Action List:

You need to keep a pulse on progress. Tracking issues and action items ensures everyone knows their responsibilities and prevents tasks from falling through the cracks.

This is the operational playbook that I used to bootstrap and scale my Order Solutions to millions of dollars in revenue in just a couple years. And if you want to learn more about how do apply this in your business I have a free cheat sheet that you can get by clicking the link in my bio or the link below that will go deeper into how to successfully execute.

Get The Art of The Enterprise Sale Book

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