How I Use Virtual Assistants To Help Scale My Network

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Your network is your net worth. Here is how I met over 400 executives in the past 3 months without leaving my house or spending money on conferences. If you’re a B2B founder, business owner, or go to market leader you can use this to build relationships and network with potential clients.

Here is the strategy that I use in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Decide on who you want to network with and what your goal is.

Step 2: Go into LinkedIn Sales Navigator and list out the criteria of these people. How many employees do they have? What industry are they in? Or if you want to be even more targeted what's their job title and what company are they with.

Step 3: Go to LinkedIn Sales Navigator and now create a targeted list for that networking criteria.

Step 4: Build your lists with that criteria by saving them to a targeted list.

Step 5: Come up with a personalized note to connect with them. A personalized note is a huge hack to increase your connection rate on LinkedIn because it’s showing that you’ve done your research on them and makes you look human

Step 6: Click on each profile to view them and send them the personalized note. A good example of a personalized note could be first name, very impressed with your background in the XYZ industry. I’m exploring a new concept in the XYZ space and would love to get your feedback. Would love to connect and chat. Use compliments they are key.

Step 7: Now after they become a connection you can send a follow message saying. Would love to chat about what does your availability looks like next week?

Your or a virtual assistant can send out 100 of these connection requests per day so you can build 30-40 new connections per day. That should give you a minimum of 800 new connections per month. Even if you can only get 10% of them on a call that's 80 net new calls per month that could potentially become clients for you.

And there you go now you have a predictable way to network online that you can delegate and build a pipeline, find employees, or develop partnerships.

If you wan to learn more about this I have a free cheat sheet you can get by clicking on the link in my bio or below this page and I’ll shoot over a cheat sheet that breaks this process down step by step.

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