How To Craft A Cold Email That Lands Meetings With Decision Makers

Friday, December 08, 2023

Who would be the best person to speak with about your XYZ efforts? Depending not he role I was reaching out to. It was aimed to get a referral. My targeting was aimed as high as posislbe either C-Suite or VP level and at big companies. because I realize that if I could get their attention executives would love to delegate and intro me to the right person and it would pre-frame me to be highly credible to the person hey would intro me to. ">

I told you that my big breakthrough was cold email because it was scalable and that I could market directly to my dream accounts without cold calling and that I tried cold calling but it was impossible to make enough calls or get through the gatekeepers because I was targeting executives at big companies. You're forgetting key things I'ms saying here. use everything here How To Craft A Cold Email That Lands Meetings With Decision Makers. Here is the brain dump you can use. Feel free to add more to this. When Is tarted Order Soltuions my restaurant callcenter business I had to figure out how to get get customers. One of the big channels that I used to get clients was using cold email. I loved it because I could automate very personalized emails and target them to my dream accounts to follow up and hit them without trying to cold call and get them on the phone. Plus the contacts I was trying to reach didn't answer the phone themselves. They were C-level and vp executives that had secretaries and assistants answering their phone. I needed a direct line of communications and email was it. I realized that executives spend all o their days emailing so the best way to reach them was email. I just needed to learn how to craft messaging that stood out and get them attention. I read every book on cold emailing. I read the book Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross who helped build the sales engine for I learned from John Barrows about the contract strategy with the different follow ups that touch on a new point o value. I learned the why you why now format from Jeff hOff,an. I tested everything and kind of did a best of breed of all of these tactics. This led me to crafting my own way that helped me build a massive pipeline and acquire and land huge accounts without having a svlesteam that quote on quote had relationships. My format was reason to contact in the first paragraph. This was either a trigger event. Something happening within a company or account that I could add value to. For example hiring a specific role. new leadership, new office, executive quote mentioning something that we could help them with. Or the reason to contact was positioning that I had a solution that could help them solve a problem that I assumed they had or a challenge they had in their industry. For example I knew that COO"s wanted to increase operational efficiency in the restaurant industry. I knew that CFO's wanted to decrease labor costs. I knew CEO's wanted to increase revenue and improve the customer experience. I knew Directors of Off Premise wanted to come up with innovative off premise solutions that could drive profits. So I created a series of message for each role that looks personalize and hit on a different reason to contact that we could tie our value to. Then the next paragraph the reason to contact now was all about our company tieing value tot hat reasons to contact eight the trigger event, priority, pain pint, or goal. Then the next paragraph used solution proof which I would call a one liner case study selling the results we had gotten for clients like them. Usually they're competitors. Then last sentence was my call to action. Which was contrarian to most salespeople. It was> Who would be the best person to speak with about your XYZ efforts? Depending not he role I was reaching out to. It was aimed to get a referral. My targeting was aimed as high as posislbe either C-Suite or VP level and at big companies. because I realize that if I could get their attention executives would love to delegate and intro me to the right person and it would pre-frame me to be highly credible to the person hey would intro me to.

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